5 Good Reasons And 1 Very Bad Reason For Professional Transition
Career transition or retraining is never a decision we make overnight, far from it. It is a process that we think about for a long time.
There are a few questions that can be very helpful in detecting whether or not the time for career transition has arrived:
- Do you have a passion/gift? Normally the two are highly correlated. Do you have the opportunity in your current job to grow through your passion or gift?
- Do you have a passion/gift? Normally the two are highly correlated. Do you have the opportunity in your current job to grow through your passion or gift?
- Do you have a passion/gift? Normally the two are highly correlated. Do you have the opportunity in your current job to grow through your passion or gift?
All these questions are fundamental questions that you should ask yourself before starting any serious reflection on a career transition, because this article does not want to get you started on a career transition but rather helps and guides you through some key points.
Table des matières
1 – We have a talent / passion that we dream (secretly in most cases) of being able to monetize!
If you love your job! Forget for the moment about career transition. How do you know if you love your job? When we always try to go further than what is asked for, when we strive every day to give the best of ourselves, when we are happy at work and we manage to forget about all the other problems.
5 Reasons to start a new professional project:
1 – We have a talent / passion that we dream (secretly in most cases) of being able to monetize!
We’ve always been number 1 on this theme, however we don’t know where to start and on top of that…We’re used to stable and correct incomes and as a result we hesitate.
Well yes, it’s quite normal! Except that if we are very strong in our business and you follow the right strategy, in 1 month you will have your first customers ( = money inflow) in 3 months you will start to tell you that your project has a future and in 6 months you will have developed other services ! You will feel fulfilled, happy, free and extremely proud of yourself!
2 – We get up every morning.
In spite of the rather nice atmosphere with the other colleagues, the work does not go as planned and you find it more and more difficult to motivate yourself. Even if it’s not politically correct, you can’t stand your boss anymore…In any case, there is a fundamental problem: you don’t see any sense in what you’re doing…In fact,
3 – We want to progress professionally and explore our potential, at the moment you’re suffocating and feeling under a bell.
You don’t blossom and you know that promotions are already written in advance…You’ve been waiting almost two years for the promotion and on top of that, progressing in this company is no longer your dream… You’d like to build your own project and test yourself.
4- Listen to the others if they all coincide (3 or 4 people who do not know each other) in a profession!
You have always been told that you should become X or Z (consultant, actress, craftsman, business, communication…). You have a natural predisposition and tendency towards a particular profession. You have been told this but you have never really stopped thinking about it… However, you love this job and you keep yourself informed as soon as you can via specialized magazines, online training, courses, social networks or via press or books on these subjects. Another way to discover this would be to look at the newsletters or publications you follow…
Of course, I love it and now I am finally taking charge, however, I am an entrepreneur ?? No idea where to start! But that’s not a problem, there are transition experts who can help you, but please, take a great expert!
5- There is a trend in the market that you are passionate about!
Go for it! Passion = Current societal need ==> Success guaranteed!
The trends are there for what years so if you detect the wave before everyone else and you love the subject, get informed and get trained before everyone else (Blue Ocean strategy). Test your product/service with your friends and family, make a business plan, a short-, medium- and long-term strategy, set your goals, set your prices and do a free market study through social networks and contact us if you feel a little lost or overwhelmed. Let’s get started!
- PART II: Human Relations Category - 14 February 2022
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