Table des matières
What are Human Abilities?
Human skills are all those competences that are not strictly speaking technical. For example, knowing how to relate, speak in public, know how to convince, resolve conflicts, be creative, know how to make the right decision, among others. Some of you may think that this is easy or that it is not as important as technical skills… However, I assure you that this is not the case! And it’s not just me, but also Harvard and Stanford. According to different studies carried out by these universities together with Forbes, the CEOs that form part of the Fortune 500 on the planet recognise that 75% of their professional success is due to this type of non-technical skills (or soft skills)! Yes, you read that correctly, we are talking about three quarters. That is a lot! However, what percentage of soft skills are taught at university, high school or college?
Well, you’ve already understood the reason for this article. Welcome!
1- Tools for better Relationships and Friendships
Human Skills give us guidelines to learn how to develop friendships. For example, when it comes to making friends, with human skills we will learn that we have to be interested in others in order for them to be interested in us. Also, we will learn the importance of being grateful to others or even the fact of accepting that we are all different and that therefore, your husband or wife will probably not react as you expect at that critical moment for you. You will also learn, however, to communicate and to be able to tell him or her what you expect from him or her at that important moment for you, without arguments and with a smile on your face, and yes, I promise you it works!
2- Learning conflict resolution
Thanks to Human Abilities, we will be able to ask what is going on? When we have the impression that there might be a conflict. By learning to ask correctly, we will avoid 99% of conflicts. I still remember when I had the opportunity to attend several Masterclasses at Yale on Behavioural Sciences and how one of the speakers, Professor Zoé Chance (a well-known author and lecturer) talked about the importance of daring to ask (just ask). The same goes for conflicts, most conflicts erupt because of a simple misunderstanding. How many fights would our children avoid at school if, when Adrián rips the truck away from Oscar, Oscar would simply ask Adrián: why did you take it out of my hands?
3- Developing leadership and self-confidence
Human Abilities automatically serve to improve self-confidence and, of course, to learn how to lead a group. By working on these skills, a child, and later an adult, will have the keys to elevate his or her team and be able to transform it into a winning team. He or she will be able to exploit the talents of each of the members and also to elevate the team as a whole. You don’t have to manage people to be able to exercise leadership competence. It is about having clear convictions and principles and convincing others to help you take action.
4- Do not forget Creativity
Fortunately, it is one of the innate competences of human beings, apart from sociability. Creativity is fundamental for human beings and the problem is that the more we advance in our academic or professional career, the less we use it. The less we use it, the less we will be able to make use of it when we need it, because creativity is learned and above all, it is practice.
Preventing Bullying
Human Abilities serve to prevent bullying because respect and knowing how to live in community are fundamental principles of them. Bullying arises when the school’s rules of coexistence are not complied with or are non-existent. When certain disrespectful attitudes go unpunished. Human skills allow us to communicate, to understand each other and to solve the latent problem or clarify the dormant conflict. These skills also allow us to exchange in a non-violent manner and to disallow any type of aggressive communication, whether verbal or non-verbal.
6- Preventing School Failure
Thanks to the training of the teachers (and if possible of the parents) in Human Abilities, the child and the future mum or dad feels self-confident and valued in class. The teachers have detected their natural talents and areas for improvement. A child who has been accompanied in his academic career and whose successes have been valued, will not swell the list of school failures, on the contrary, he will dare to explore those subjects that interest him the most: prehistory, dinosaurs, volcanoes, letters, sums…. All this does not depend on technical competence but on the attitude towards the child, on the emotional care that has been given to him/her.
Encourage a good classroom atmosphere between teachers, students and parents.
Developing and working on human abilities with the children will mean improving the atmosphere in the classroom, with the teacher and with the parents. It means establishing a climate of trust between all actors. Creating an atmosphere of collaboration between parents, teachers and pupils and therefore learning more at the end of the day. Children perceive that parents’ communication with teachers is also good and a trust and serenity is established in the classroom, which is of great benefit to the pupils. School results are also better and the level of demand rises, as well as the pupils’ motivation.
In short, Human Abilities are key. It would be very beneficial for us to learn them from childhood. We would do much better at work and in the family. We would get a pay rise sooner as well as a promotion. And I would also dare to say that there would probably be fewer divorces as most of them are caused by poor communication within the couple.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information, we will be happy to help you.
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- PART II: Human Relations Category - 14 February 2022
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