Today’s Business Management: From Manager To Leader
Table des matières
What is business management:
The concept is simple: it’s about becoming a director of a department, or a company manager. If you are someone interested in these positions, this article will give you the keys to get there!
What does the business manager do?
The Business Manager (or Business Engineer) performs 3 main functions: the business development of his department or company, the recruitment of new talents for the team and the internal management of the employees.
Theories on business management:
There are a lot of theories about business management. If you are interested here is a good summary: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/types-of-management-theories
Of course, it is interesting to know the theories, but what is most important is to know
Objectives are defined on two levels: the managerial level (team relations) and the business development level.
What are our objectives?
Can we reach these objectives? Do I have sufficient resources within my teams to achieve them on time? The answers to these questions are fundamental to take action or not. If the objectives are too far away from the possible achievements, they will have to be adjusted as soon as possible, to avoid exhausting the teams for nothing. This aspect is very important because being able to see in an objective and precise way the resources available to us is not always that simple.
Forget! The manager is no longer relevant
We are all used to talking about management and this anglicism has even been accepted by the French academy as well as the term Manager. However, being a manager is no longer desirable or sufficient in today’s context…
A manager is the one who leads a team, and that’s it! Nobody talks about motivation, team spirit, believing in one’s work, usefulness, improving and contributing to the world…Nothing.
We can become managers without knowing our teams. A manager today in a society that demands a clear vision, responsibilities to leaders in the era of globalization and pandemics, has no more room.
So, what do you have to become?
Today more than ever, we are looking for Leaders in the business world, charismatic leaders, with strong and supportive (generous) values. Effective but also Human Leaders, leaders that we can follow and emulate.
How to become a leader instead of a manager?
You feel like a manager and you want to become a leader? It is possible!
- Take a step back from yourself and think about the management methods that you can achieve without even realizing it and that have results! This can be in contexts outside of work. For example, at home when you put your children to bed, with your family when you negotiate, with your friends when you coach them, during the vacations when you find creative solutions for problems in the hotel… You will rediscover yourself and find your own style of Leadership! And yes, it is at these moments that you went from manager to Leader.
- Take an interest in your employees, their constraints, their motivations, their desires and put together a puzzle to reconcile everything. Often, the productivity of your employees will increase exponentially thanks to a simple flexible schedule on Wednesday afternoon or a tele-work on Friday. Simple actions to be applied at zero cost are those that will allow you to multiply by three the productivity of your teams.
- Dream on, don’t stop at the next budget cycle. Go further, aim for a long term strategy, follow market trends, your competitors, quickly adapt your products to all the events of the moment (COVID, Christmas, World Cup…) and above all always listen and respond to your customers’ needs.
- Have a mission in mind and recruit talents who believe and adhere to that mission. We live in an extraordinary moment where citizens want change, want to reduce social differences, want to protect the environment…Find your cause and defend it. Today the company can no longer be a neutral entity politically or on socio-economic issues but rather a major cutter in societal change. Take on this role and ‘lead’ without complexes the change in your company, and your context.
- Be coherent and consistent, all the steps mentioned above must be done sincerely and with conviction, this is not marketing or communication but pure Leadership. This is why it is very important to take a mission that we sincerely care about.
- PART II: Human Relations Category - 14 February 2022
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