Trend 2021: WORKING FROM HOME job search IS IncreasING!
The pandemic is scaring away the executives of the big cities. From May 2020 to August 2020, the search for apartments according to Se Loger has dropped by 23% while the search for apartments in Bordeaux has increased by 36% and in Nice by 40%. Once again, even if teleworking was already a trend that was beginning to take its place, the pandemic has accelerated this transformation and in most of the large French groups doing half of the week (minimum) teleworking is already accepted (even in banks!!). Good news!
History is cyclical and so well in the 19th century, we fled the fields to improve our life thanks to access to public goods in cities thanks to industrialization (access to water, schools, electricity…), two centuries later, we are fleeing the big cities in search of a better quality of life.
Table des matières
No, teleworking is not what we experienced during the first lockdown: it was called hell!!
Teleworking is worked from home with an adapted office and a nice decoration that makes us feel comfortable. Teleworking is the possibility to lock yourself in a room without hearing any noise outside. Anything that stays out of it cannot be called telework, but rather, survival!
What is the difference between teleworking and working from anywhere?
In English we will make the difference between Working From Home (WFH) and Working From Everywhere (WFE). The first one refers to teleworking and the second one to work from a Caribbean beach with a cocktail in hand… This one seems extraordinary but not very feasible, especially in the medium and long term. Most of us are teleworking and we have finally realized the importance of having an ultra nickel internet. Personally, I ended up having two different networks to make sure I always have a clean connection! I take 0 risk with my customers and they know it ; )
But how do we look for a working from home job?
1- First question to ask: what sector are we in?
An IT profile will be able to afford to work at home most of the time, while a sales or executive profile will have to go to the office from time to time. The physical human relationship has not yet been replaced (Fortunately!). It is very complicated for a Business Development or Sales executive to become a supplier to a company without having seen them directly at least once. Trust (and feeling) continues to be key. An executive needs to see his teams, maybe not every day, it’s clear, but he needs to be present because he is the one who will set the tempo of his teams, it’s that we will want to emulate.
2- Second question: which companies offer a position that suits me in telework?
All the information you can have them online and if there is any information you don’t know you can ask your acquaintances, and in the worst case, contact them directly on LinkedIn and ask nicely to the HRMs. Or, call them on the phone and talk to them directly (looking first for the name of the HRD to give this name to the reception).
If you are self-employed, the question does not even arise because you are the master of your schedules and appointments. The ideal for you will be, for example, to have all physical appointments concentrated in one or two days per week.
Compared to research on internet portals, new players such as Malt, Welcome to the Jungle, LinkedIn, Indeed work as well for teleworking positions.
3- Third question: I’m retraining, what are the jobs I can do in telework?
First of all, we will mention the most obvious teleworking situations:
- Are you in an IT job? Then, 100% teleworking if you want to.
- You are in the Service professions (with the exception of Personal Service professions) such as: Trainers, Coach, Consulting of all kinds: If you prefer, you can do 100% teleworking.
- You are in a There, everything will depend on your product. For example, a writer or a manual job will be able to work from his workshop (100% teleworking), while an industrial engineer will not.
However, keep hope because: 1- telework has come to stay and 2- in any kind of work, nowadays you can always find a way to telework in certain moments (moment of reflection, planning, reporting…).
After these questions, some very useful tips on teleworking:
Tip n°1:
Do yourself a favor and don’t be 100% teleworking non-stop, even if you really want to. Despite our shyness and the comfort of our slippers, it is fundamental to see other people in real life and to nourish your relationships with real interactions! Face expressions live and not off-beat: ).
For soft skills– which count since a study conducted by the Carnegie Foundation for 85% for professional success – – non-verbal communication, feeling, confidence … We are still far from reaching the same level of information as in physical appointments. This also applies (or even more so) to IT profiles.
However, compared to Hard Skills (the content), the good news is that we can say that Visio and physical meetings are the same..
Tip n°2:
Never despise word-of-mouth even for a teleworking job. Psychologically and economically, companies will always prefer you to live nearby (being conservative by nature and even more so in times of crisis or emergency).
On the other hand, knowing that you are close gives you confidence, an even more fundamental tool in times of telework. You are teleworking but in case of emergency the company must be able to quickly count on you physically. This is the impression you must give for all interviews and even more in telework: Trust and Loyalty.
Tip n°3:
Surely, the most important Tip, don’t prevent yourself from applying for the job of your dreams because the recruiter didn’t mention the word “telework” in the ad. Once you demonstrate your know-how, it will be much easier for you to negotiate for partial telework in the short term and almost total telework in the medium-long term.
And don’t only apply for positions where they mention telework. . You’re likely to miss out on some excellent opportunities. Today most service jobs (without direct public attention) can be done by teleworking, so prepare very well for interviews, show what you can do during the first 3 months and negotiate teleworking at that time ; )
- PART II: Human Relations Category - 14 February 2022
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