Trend 2021: more and more French people in professional transition
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Professional transition: our generation will change jobs 8 times (imagine the situation for newcomers…)
70% of the millennials are looking for a position elsewhere in the company during their first year in the company.
47% of the talents in a company are currently looking for another job.
40% of permanent contracts end before the end of the first year.
40% of failed recruitments per year.
145% more freelancers in the last 10 years.
16% turnover within companies
These figures are at least very surprising…
Why? What is happening in our society? Why do we no longer wish to remain in our company? In our daily comfort?
Why are we in this quest for meaning?
The pandemic has been a gas pedal of a revolution that had already begun: the digital revolution. However, this trend has led to the millennials (but not only) a quest for meaning in human beings. It is a trend that has been present for a little over 10 years. I place the turning point in the financial crisis of 2008 and the Lehman Brothers scandal (before it was the golden age for finance and in the 2000’s for advertising and communication). Since then, the disengagement of employees towards their company has become more and more accentuated.
And what are the main reasons for this?
One reason is not valid, there are many reasons. First of all, there is globalization, which allows us all to be more connected in both senses of the word and thus more connected to the influx of new opportunities. Second, the consequences of the 2008 crisis, the population felt cheated by the system (subprimes, speculation…) and is beginning to demand fairer, more just, more environmentally friendly trade patterns. On the other hand, the arrival of women in management positions should not be neglected. This has upset the family framework,organization at home has become difficult and the reconciliation of professional and personal life has become almost a nightmare.
A society more ready to pay the price that their ancestors paid:
The consequence of all these elements taken together has been a generalized disenchantment of society, which despite the good working conditions (compared to other countries) no longer feels motivated. A society, especially the millennials but not only, that needs a little more freedom and flexibility to organize these days and is no longer willing to work until 10 pm every day because they have experienced the divorce of their parents and friends and want to be more present for their families.
Consequences + Pandemic:
The context and the elements were already there. Some people had already dared a professional reconversion before Covid. However, the pandemic accelerated all these changes. On the one hand, there is the huge loss of jobs among managers and non-managers (if not, look around and tell me how many managers are now without jobs, freelancers without clients, company managers without companies and premises without tenants?
Even those who have a job ask themselves questions about the sustainability of their position and begin to think about what to do next.
Right now, you should always have a Plan B.
Regardless of whether or not the career transition is going to happen or should happen immediately, the more we think about our future, our desires, our values and our ambitions, the better.
How do we start?
1- First of all, don’t panic.
Even if we love the comfort and assurance of a permanent job, the conversion or transition is much easier than it seems.
2- “Simply” do what we’ve always done.
In other words, a professional transition (well done) is done in a very natural way. First of all, we have to think about what we have always liked to do. Normally, we are strong in what we like to do. Afterwards, I mention it in another blog article (link on transition pro article) but it is fundamental that your ‘passion’ corresponds to a societal need of today and that you are not too advanced or too late in relation to the trends of the moment.
3- How do we want to work? What are our ambitions?
After having solved our first concern: what am I going to do? We must solve the how do I convert? To do so, we will have to know ourselves well or be helped by a professional reconversion specialist and analyze our capacities, our ambitions, our values, our real desires and our resources.
4- Plan d’action, quêtes de clients et on se lance!
Quand le cadre, l’orientation, le produit et nos ressources sont clarifiés, nous pouvons réfléchir à qui sont nos clients, à comment les attirer et au pricing. Il est souvent mieux de se faire accompagner pour tous ces sujets là car il est facile de perdre la perspective quand nous réalisons notre propre projet, notre autre ‘bébé’. Le plan d’action, le business model, l’étude de marché et bien travailler nos produits/services et le pricing, sont clés. Regardez notre autre article (lien article stratégie) si cela vous intéresse et nous sommes toujours là pour vous en cas de doute!!
- PART II: Human Relations Category - 14 February 2022
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