soft skills 10 fundamentals savoir etre useful at company

What are soft skills? The 10 main soft skills

We hear about Soft Skills but some people think it’s about ‘savoir vivre’, others think it’s about empathy and good relationships, sometimes I also met customers who thought it was trendy… That’s why I thought it would be useful for all of us to write an article about it, already giving an idea of some very different skills that already give us an idea of the real importance that Soft Skills have in our professional and personal life.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of 10 Soft Skills and their definition:

1 emotional intelligence :

For us, one of the key pillars of Soft Skills. It is fundamental to know how to manage your emotions in order to face the trials of life: a dismissal, a divorce, a mourning… We give you techniques that allow you to accept (not to nod) the events that have occurred.

2- Conflict Resolution

A skill closely related to anger management is the ability to positively resolve conflicts with employees, managers or even family members. We give you the structure to transform the conflict into an opportunity to create a better understanding.

3- Negotiation

This is a very useful tool for a successful promotion, increase or better pro-life balance. It is essential to improve these negotiation skills in order to succeed in contracts with clients or to position oneself well within the company.

4- Savoir-Vivre

Listening, being respectful of others, tolerating opinions that differ from one’s own, politeness, generosity, all these characteristics are part of ‘savoir vivre’. They are essential for professional development. We talk and exchange on these characteristics and on which codes are used according to the professional environment in which we evolve.

5- Empathy

Essential to succeed in federating teams and retaining talent. A leader must be able to surround himself with the best talent. Empathy consists in understanding the context and reasoning of the other person and interacting with him/her within these parameters.

6- Leadership and social influence

At the heart of our mission: more Leaders and fewer Managers. This is the only way to make sustainable progress in the public and private sector. Social influence is linked to the art of communicating and interacting with other employees. The Leader will also set the pace and serve as an example to other employees.

7- Analytical Reasoning and Innovation

Profiles with a high level of analytical reasoning can feel secure in their work because they are agile and quickly understand new societal issues (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning…). If you are interested in developing this skill, the philosophy and strategy will help you to reason more logically and find innovative solutions.

8- Active learning techniques

With digitalisation, employers are increasingly looking for adaptable profiles who are in continuous training. Curious profiles who will be able to cope with situations of great uncertainty.

9- Proactivity, creativity and critical spirit

More than ever, the critical spirit is disappearing. No one is safe from fake news for example. The advantage is that we use critical thinking every day within the company. Compared to creativity, going from a very good idea and turning it into action can be key to its successful promotion.

10- Reasoning and problem solving

In order to improve this part and to be able to use it as a tool, we must first of all know what our thinking scheme is. Once we know how we deal with problems, we can detect where we find points for improvement and invest effort to improve our problem solving scheme.

We have just described the key Soft Skills for successful professional development, some of these so-called “soft skills” are easier to understand than others, but all soft skills, without exception, can be worked on with good training. As you can see Soft Skills are very different from each other and today account for 50% of work in companies.

Soft Skills in companies, is it recent?

No, Soft Skills have always accounted for 50% of work in companies, except that the company only recently realised this. The expression “soft skills” has helped to popularise a set of corporate skills that have a very important impact on company performance.

The good news is that working with them is less abstract or complicated than it sounds! So let’s get to work!

LEADEM Mentoring can help you with this. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Maria Escuer
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